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  • Affordable education at ANY TIME
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What People Are Saying:

Okay I have to tell you, a couple months ago I saw a clip you posted on your main page where you said something to the effect of, “See where i’m standing? See how i’m placing this foil? Now, look what would happen if i placed it a different way.” When I tell you I joined hairboss university IMMEDIATELY after i saw that clip, like, I could not click buttons fast enough lol. I feel like those kinds of explanations are rare in our industry. It’s often just “here’s what i’m doing” and rarely “this is WHY what i’m doing works”!!!! Sally, I have seriously learned so much already in the short time i’ve been part of HBU, i cannot thank you enough for not only sharing your knowledge & explaining things so well, but also being so kind and welcoming!


"I think you're amazing! I love the way you teach, it is so simplistic, it makes sense, and it is right to the point."
